St. Mary's Loch, Scottish Borders, Scotland

St Mary's Loch

Tibbie Shiels Inn

This inn is reputedly haunted by the ghost of Isabelle Shiel - known as 'Tibbie' - who opened the hostelry in 1823. She had been left destitute following the death of her husband, but turned her fortunes around by her determination and hard work here.


Her apparition has been sighted drifting silently in the bedrooms, patrons have been touched by an unseen cold hand, and objects have been seen moving of their own accord.


Pictured left is Tibbie Shiel's Inn courtesy of Andy Stephenson.

Tibbie Shiels Inn,

St. Marys Loch,


TD7 5LH.


For further information, please read Haunted Britain and Ireland by Richard Jones.


Visitor Information

St Mary's Loch is the largest natural loch in the Scottish Borders, Scotland.

It lies situated on the A708 road between Selkirk and Moffat, about 45 miles south of Edinburgh.

Pictured is St. Mary's Loch courtesy of Trevor Littlewood. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.